Bolden Laura Og Årstiderne - En Bog Med Flapper

할인 가격$20.85

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Learn all about the seasons and nature with Laura! What happens when the seasons change? When to harvest the field? How does water freeze to ice and what is a migratory bird? Laura and the seasons is a book for kindergarten-age children about the seasons and nature. Laura puts pictures into her photo album with Mom. The pictures remind her of everything she experienced when it was spring, summer, autumn and winter. What will the new year bring...? A fun and interactive book that playfully introduces the child to the seasons and nature - and creates curiosity to learn more. The book contains a lot of exciting facts and is full of flaps that are fun to lift and look behind.

  • paper
  • FSC Mix
  • 25 x 23 x 1.5 cm
  • 3-5 years
  • Number of pages: 16
  • Language: Danish
  • Remember to follow the washing and instructions for use
SKU: 1004868