이번주만 무료배송 코드: 10달러할인

실리실라스 2+1 행사 할인코드: SillySilas1+2KR

Sebra Knitted Rattle Blinky The Owl Raindrop Grey

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예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Introduce your little one to the delightful Sebra Knitted Rattle Blinky, the Owl in soothing Raindrop Grey. Perfectly sized for tiny hands, this soft, knitted owl promotes motor skills through tactile exploration and captivating sound, ensuring safe and educational play. Lightweight and easy to carry, Blinky is ideal for on-the-go entertainment and simple to clean, making it a must-have for every diaper bag.
SKU: 71298

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