✨이번주만✨ $100 이상 구매 시 무료 배송 (할인코드: FREESHIPPINGWEEK)

Müsli Oat Knit Chunky Cardigan

사이즈 선택: 62
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예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Wrap your little one in cozy comfort with the Müsli Oat Knit Chunky Cardigan. Perfect for brisk outings or peaceful naps in the stroller, this charming cardigan is crafted from 100% organic cotton, ensuring a gentle touch against delicate skin. The front-button design allows for easy dressing, while its chunky knit provides both warmth and style. Suitable for babies from size 44 to 74, this cardigan comes with a promise of environmental and ethical responsibility, boasting a GOTS Organic certification.
  • Certifications: GOTS Organic 152033 Ecocert Greenlife

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SKU: 1004994-62

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