✨이번주만✨ $100 이상 구매 시 무료 배송 (할인코드: FREESHIPPINGWEEK)

Leander Dusty rose Bedding Forrest

사이즈 선택: Baby
In stock online

예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Introduce your little one to unparalleled comfort with the Leander Dusty Rose Bedding Forrest. Designed with your baby's safety and comfort in mind, this bedding set is crafted from 100% organic cotton, ensuring a soft, hypoallergenic environment. The 70x100 cm dimensions provide a snug fit for standard cribs, promoting a secure and serene sleep. Dusty rose hues bring a gentle splash of color to any nursery, while the easy-care fabric makes maintenance a breeze, allowing for both machine washing and drying. Enhance your child's bedtime experience with this eco-friendly, versatile choice that's as easy on the eyes as it is on the environment.
SKU: 1020519-Baby

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