실리실라스 2+1 행사 할인코드: SillySilas1+2KR

Fossflakes Baby Pillow & Duvet Set

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예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Fossflakes is not just a name! Waterfall flakes are also the filling that is in the products. The idea behind Fossflakes is based on creating products that would be very friendly, easy to maintain and have a longer lifespan than synthetic products. The filling is produced in 100% extending polyethylene polymers. They are therefore naturally hypoallergenic and are absolutely perfect for those with asthma and allergies. Fossflakes have an ability to retain air between the individual flakes and thus do not lose their elasticity, and the filling does not become flat. Fossflakes thus helps to create more volume, larger air pockets, it does not clump and distributes evenly.

  • Quilt: 70x100 cm
  • Cushion: 40 x 45 cm
  • Breathable
  • Quick drying
  • Air pockets that ensure air circulation and a comfortable temperature
  • The pillow is adapted to the child's head so that the child lies comfortably and is gentle on the head and neck
  • 70% Fossflakes and 30% fiber balls in polyesterFossflakes is not just a name! Fossflakes are also the filling in the products. The idea behind Fossflakes is based on creating some products that would be universally friendly, easy to maintain and have a longer lifespan than synthetic products. The filling is produced in 100% extending polyethylene polymers. They are therefore naturally hypoallergenic and are absolutely perfect for those with asthma and allergies. Fossflakes have an ability to hold the air between the individual flakes and thereby do not lose their springiness, and the filling does not become flat. Fossflakes thus help to create more volume, larger air pockets, it does not clump and distributes evenly.
SKU: 69614
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