✨이번주만✨ $100 이상 구매 시 무료 배송 (할인코드: FREESHIPPINGWEEK)

Cam Cam Copenhagen Wash Glove Off-White

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예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Introducing the Cam Cam Copenhagen Wash Glove in a soothing off-white, perfect for your little one's delicate skin. This wash glove is designed with top safety standards and is certified for your peace of mind. Its user-friendly design ensures comfort and ease of use, making bath time a breeze. The versatile glove is easy to maintain and store, adding to an organized bath environment. Plus, its texture stimulates your child's senses, turning a simple wash into an enjoyable experience.
  • 100% organic cotton
  • 15x22 cm
SKU: 56958

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