✨이번주만✨ $100 이상 구매 시 무료 배송 (할인코드: FREESHIPPINGWEEK)

Bundgaard Prewalker II Strap White

사이즈 선택: 18
In stock online

예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Bundgaard's prewalkers are ideal for little ones who have just started walking. Your child may find it helpful to wear prewalkers if they can pull themselves up on things, stand up on their own, or maybe walk a few steps while holding mom or dad's hand. This is a great classic shoe that has helped generations take their first steps. This handmade shoe is cute and small, it fits the foot well and offers plenty of ankle support. Prewalkers are great for helping little ones experience what it's like to wear shoes while taking their very first steps. We also recommend that your child try walking barefoot or in non-slip socks. Your toddler's feet develop best if you combine the use of prewalkers with letting them walk around barefoot. Bundgaard prewalkers are made of soft, breathable leather materials and lined with vegetable tanned leather. The outer sole is a supple, flexible rubber sole that provides ideal freedom of movement for the feet. Recommended growing space: 10-12 mm.

  • Outer material: leather
  • Inner material: Vegetable tanned leather
  • Outsole material: TPR
  • Insole material: Vegetable tanned leather
  • Fixed heel cap
  • Remember to follow the wash and care instructions

사이즈 가이드

아래 진하게 표시된 발이 제품의 너비(폭)을 의미합니다. 지정된 내부 측정을 위해 1-1.5cm의 성장 여유를 권장합니다.

Inner measurements:

11,0 cm

11,6 cm

12,2 cm

13,0 cm

13,6 cm

14,2 cm

Size guide for clothes, shoes & headgear
SKU: 578453-18

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