이번주만 무료배송 코드: 10달러할인

실리실라스 2+1 행사 할인코드: SillySilas1+2KR

A Little Lovely Company Teether Ring Fox

In stock online

예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Super adorable and nice little teether that is shaped like a really cute fox It has a ring for the children to hold so they can easily grab it. Then they have something sweet to bite into when the little gums itch. The little ones will definitely find it really fun and exciting to play with.

  • 100 % natural rubber
  • 6 x 12 x 3. 7 cm
  • PVC, BPA, phthalate and nitrosamine free
SKU: 135227

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