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Done by Deer Peekaboo Silicone Straw 5-pack Powder Mix

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예상 배송일: 약 5-7 영업일 이내


Introducing the Done by Deer Peekaboo Silicone Straw 5-pack in Powder Mix, perfect for your little one’s drinking adventure! Crafted with top-notch safety features, these straws are certified child-safe and free from harmful chemicals. Designed for easy sipping, they offer a comfortable drinking experience and are versatile enough for various beverages. The durable, washable silicone ensures longevity and effortless maintenance. Plus, the Peekaboo design stimulates your child's senses, making hydration fun! Perfect for organizing and storing, these straws are a must-have for every child's daily essentials.
SKU: 145708
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